Change the sleeping and eating times
A few days before traveling, one can start changing the times when they go to sleep and when they eat to match the sleeping times of their destination. This will mean that when they go to the different time zone they will fit into the sleep patterns of the new place easily. If one is to travel to the east, one should start going to sleep earlier and if you are going to the west you should go to sleep later.
Avoid stimulants
Stimulants such as coffee and cola will keep you awake and make it harder for you to go to sleep at the normal time and one will also not have good sleep as one will keep waking up. Due to this one will not be able to have sufficient sleep which will bring about fatigue.
Stay hydrated during the flight
The plane is usually dry and dehydration will intensify jet lag effects and so one might want to have more water during the flight. It is advised that one uses about 8 ounces of water during the flight.
Try to stay away from alcohol during the flight
Alcohol dehydrates the body which will intensify the effects of jet lag. Alcohol in high altitudes has more effects than on the ground. Alcohol will either make you stay awake at a time when you should be asleep or it will make you sleep at a time when you should not. This also messes up the sleep cycle.
Use the sunlight
The sunlight is essential for setting the body clock to know when it is time to sleep. As such try to expose yourself to the sun when you get to the destination and this will help to reset your body clock.
Sleeping Pills
Sleeping pills can be used especially if you are flying overnight. Many people might not be able to sleep easily on the plane and can use such medication to induce sleep. Sleeping pills however can have a negative effect and mess you up the next day as you might feel groggy. Also sleeping pills react differently with different people and one should not use a sleeping pill during the flight that they have not used before.
Consider melatonin
Melatonin is a nonprescription drug that has a hormone that is used to help the body configure itself for sleep. This is a better solution than sleeping pills which do not provide a natural solution.
Try to get overnight flights
Overnight flights are good since one will be able to sleep on the plane or if necessary, stay awake. At night one does not also lose the use of sunlight that is important to keep the body clock synchronized.
Try sleeping on the plane
Flights are usually very exhausting and one might want to steal some resting time en-route. Sleeping during the flight will greatly reduce the feeling of fatigue which is associated with jet lag.
Use Sleep aids
During the flight it might prove to be hard to sleep due to various factors such as noise, light and the sitting position. One can use eye-shades to block out the light while ear plugs can be used to block out the noise. If possible one can try to fly first class or business class where it is much more comfortable and the chairs can recline much further.
Avoid naps before the right sleeping time
When one gets to the destination there is a great temptation to steal a nap due to the exhausting flight. However this will mess up your sleeping cycle and you may not have good sleep at night.
Travelers on Medication
Travelers who are on medication such as those who take regular insulin should first consult with their doctors before they embark on such journeys since the time change might disrupt their schedule for taking their medication.
Stop over
A stopover during the flight will help one to get a little rest which will reduce the effects of jet lag.
These are some ways which one can take to avoid jet lag and enjoy their time when they get to their destination.